Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

chilly Sunday

I started my day with Kix cereal and skim milk. I drove to the Chisholm Trail, and walked in blustery, chilly weather. I took a picture of a Red-Bellied Woodpecker.

I went to my Weight Watchers meeting. I was down 8/10ths of a pound. Everyone told their stories of Thanksgiving and endurance. I had no real story to tell.

I next walked in Oak Point Park. Red-Tailed Hawks flew overhead.

I went to church at First United Methodist Church in Allen. The service dealt with Advent and the biblical Book of Mark. The pastor made the point that Mark omits the nativity scene, angels and shepherds.

As I left the church, I took a huge empty plastic bag. I am to fill it with appropriate things for a child in Honduras and return the bag. I will handle that on Saturday.
After church, I went to Casa Taco, where I ordered two soft beef tacos. After lunch, I walked in Bethany Lakes Park. This park attracts ducks each Winter. Today the local mallards were joined by Lesser Scaup, Northern Shoveler, American Wigeon, and Pied-Billed Grebes.

Later in the afternoon, I walked in Allen Station Park. In the late afternoon, I took Beatrice for a walk. The weather warmed a bit and the chilly, blustery wind subsided. Nonetheless, I was dressed in lots of layers.

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