Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

drawing virtual flowers live

I started yesterday with instant Oatfit oatmeal. I spent the early morning sorting out how to use the screen-capture software Kazam. At first, I could not sort out how to stop the capture. Then I watched a Youtube called How to Use Kazam, which clocked in at an admirably short 1 minute and 27 seconds. It showed me how to stop and save the capture.  I made four short test videos. In the fourth, I drew a flower using Inkscape while the program captured the steps, omitting the mouse cursor.

I have in mind making a music video this way, if I can create a sufficiently interesting set of moving screen images.

At work, I handled a series of conference calls, for which the preparation and attendance consumed a great deal of the day. I did get a lunchtime walk in at Breckinridge Park, where Eastern Bluebirds and House Finches were evident. I had three soft chicken tacos at Taco Bueno for lunch. When I left the office between six p.m. and six thirty, I headed straight home.

My wife arrived home later than I did. We talked of a call she had for some family business. We ate turkey sandwiches we made at home. We went for a walk at 9 p.m. or so. I am glad we live in a place where we can safely walk at night.

The election coverage is again running polls that show that the election is getting closer. I am glad, I want people who agree with me to turnout, and not think it is okay to stay home because the election is won.

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