I have in mind making a music video this way, if I can create a sufficiently interesting set of moving screen images.
At work, I handled a series of conference calls, for which the preparation and attendance consumed a great deal of the day. I did get a lunchtime walk in at Breckinridge Park, where Eastern Bluebirds and House Finches were evident. I had three soft chicken tacos at Taco Bueno for lunch. When I left the office between six p.m. and six thirty, I headed straight home.
My wife arrived home later than I did. We talked of a call she had for some family business. We ate turkey sandwiches we made at home. We went for a walk at 9 p.m. or so. I am glad we live in a place where we can safely walk at night.
The election coverage is again running polls that show that the election is getting closer. I am glad, I want people who agree with me to turnout, and not think it is okay to stay home because the election is won.