Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

Rabbit run

In the morning I walked in Suncreek Park. Men played cricket. I watched a batsman hit for 3 after digging a rolling ball out and sending it leftward. I saw a rabbit and then a Green Heron strolling in Watters Creek.

I went to church at Suncreek UMC after my Weight Watchers meeting. I was up 1.2 pounds, fewer than I guessed. I participated in a positive family business call.

I ate lunch at Denny's. Then I drove to my office for the file I need for my dawn flight. I walked in the heat at Timbers Narrow Park. I saw 70 Barn Swallows on a wire.

I napped, nade myself turkey sandwiches on sandwich slims and settled into a Star Trek movie on TV.

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