Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

rainy July day

An unexpected Summer rain rendered the day delightful. Beatrice and I walked at 7 a.m. when the sky showed nothing but foreboding wonder. We passed the two retriever dogs, for whom Beatrice turned as they passed, as if desiring to meet them. When an over-eager young spaniel expressed the desire to say 'hello' to Beatrice, she ignored it as if it failed to exist in her world.

In the early morning, I listened to tracks I got on Netlabel Day. I put them on a USB stick and listened on my morning commute. I enjoyed almost all of what I heard.

The sky opened after I got to my office. I thought to myself how during our decade-long sojourn in southern California, one thing I missed most of all was the sight of a purple-cloud thunderstorm sky.

The heavy rain dissipated to light rain by lunchtime. I drove to Breckinridge Park, where I saw a world of adult and immature Barn Swallows, intermixed with a Cliff Swallow or two, frolicking on the ground and on the little rope roadside border.

I dined on a turkey sandwich and baked chips at Subway. The workday proved full of interesting law and modest surprises and plenty to do. I drove home in the early evening. My wife and I went to Market Street, where I ate smoked turkey, roast potatoes, mixed vegetables and a roll.

I realized that one of my tracks, "The Robot Smiles Upon Enlightenment", had been released on a netlabel compilation. Yesterday, my song "Deeper Vanity" appeared on a Cerebral Rift netlabel compilation.

I must sort out what to do tomorrow. Part of me wants to go to Lake Ray Roberts State Park for the monthly bird walk. Part of me wants to walk the Watters Branch Trail near my home. Part of me wants to see the weekly Studio Ghibli film. Part of me wants to play in a blitz chess tournament about which I got an email today.
Part of me thinks I may work a bit this weekend. Last weekend I drove a goodish bit.I read about Fort Griffin near Albany, a few hours away. But I am not in the driving mood tonight. Time will tell. We shall see.

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