Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

Podcast and feature

I took Beatrice for an early morning walk. I found I was a pound down at Weight Watchers. I drove to First UMC. The Perkins School of Theology professor Alyce McKenzie was to give the sermon. She serves as a professor of preaching and worship, so she is a capable preacher. I think this old truism about how those who can do and those who can't teach is just wrong. I find that those who can often teach and those who teach nearly always can do.

Though I intended to go to Dr. McKenzie's service, when I passed the little chapel
(which looks more like a rec room than a chapel), things changed. I heard a piano playing "America, the Beautiful" and the small congregation in the teaching alternative service "The Way" singing. This immediately took me in memory back to elementary school singings of that song and "My Country 'Tis of Thee". I went in,
found, after a struggle, a seat on the first row, and thoroughly enjoyed singing patriotic hymns and a fine sermon.

I went to Long John Silver's for a baked shrimp place. The staff was fairly attentive but the place was one of those "part of a gas station" place. I don't know why, but any fast food place attached to a gas station usually suffers compared to a stand-alone place. I make an exception for places that serve great indie store-made tacos.

I walked in the afternoon in Bethany Lakes Park and in Allen Station Park. Due to a heat advisory, the parks were sparsely attended. I saw some birds, though nothing more remarkable than an unexpected Black Vulture on the dying shell of an old Pioneer home.

I had two interesting musical things happen.

The Music Manumit podcast released the interview I did on Friday as a podcast

Also, Tom Laird, who runs the Fade to Yellow show on radio station KOOP in Austin played three of my songs as a kind of mini-feature about me on his "Fade to Yellow" show tonight. I was pleased that he not only played my songs but also took the time to say a word or three about what I am doing. He also chose from my new album my song "Regret", which is a bit less straightforward and dissonant. I like to get airplay without making the song confectionary.

Tonight my wife made wonderful New York strip steaks, and we watched an episode of Endeavor.

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