Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

7.1 miles afoot

I walked an hour on the Chisholm Trail on my way to Weight Watchers. After Weight Watchers I headed to Suncreek UMC for the 11 a.m. service. But it turned out that the church had decided not to have an 11 a.m. service, as the congregation was celebrating the opening of a new park called Stryker in the space next to the church. I headed home. I ate lunch at Subway, where I had a Veggie Delight sandwich and baked chips. Then I took a long walk on the Watters Creek Trail, setting out from my house, walking on the trail to the DaySpring Nature Preserve, then walking through Green Park and Glendover Park on my way home. I kept a log of the birds I saw, and listened to a podcast about computers. I thought about the difference between my view about something and my feelings about something, and reached an 'a-ha' moment.

I fell asleep in the afternoon. In the evening, I had turkey sandwiches with sandwich slims, as well as sea salt hummus chips. Now a PBS-nostalgic 75th anniversary Joan Baez special is playing on television. I am okay with and actually pretty much in favor of Joan Baez's music but would watch something else if a better option came on.

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