Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

KC ward talk

Saturday morning we drove to Dallas Love Field. We flew the 90 minutes to Kansas City. We spent the morning at KU Hospital. My wife's father has been getting treatment there. We were glad to see he is improving. We spent most of the morning and early afternoon there. We dined with my wife's step-mother at the hospital cafeteria. I ate a grilled chicken sandwich and a banana.

In the late afternoon my wife and I visited a park named for her Uncle Elmer. Later, I walked down Belinder Drive in Mission Hills. I saw 31 American Robins. I stopped at a grocery in Prairie Village called Hen House and ate bananas and drank flavored Ice water while House Sparrows foraged nearby. At night we dined on turkey chili supplied by my wife's stepmother's sister.

This morning we got another good visit in at the hospital. For the second day in a row, I found myself impressed with the lead doctor. We dined with my wife's sisters, our niece, and my wife's stepmother at the hospital cafeteria. I enjoyed my chicken noodle soup with fresh fruit.

We flew home this afternoon. On this flight as well as the last I drew up code in the FMSLogo programming language to make geometric drawings. At home, I walked Beatrice. We dined on turkey pastrami sandwiches.

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