Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

Q4OS and furniture

Friday we went to the Allen Public Library to see a one woman show by Karen Knotts, the daughter of the late actor Don Knotts. She told her father's story,and the story of being his daughter. We like the Andy Griffith Show and the curious 1960s Don Knotts family comedies, so we found the show quite interesting. The library auditorium was nearly full.

Saturday morning I bicycled to DaySpring Nature Preserve. I saw a large female Cooper's Hawk high on a bare tree by the creek on the Watters Trail. I also tried to install a forty dollar SSD on a laptop I got for the princely sum of 15 dollars on eBay. Though I know how to install SSDs, the install did not "take". I re-installed the original hard drive. Then I successfully installed the operating system Q4OS, which uses the vintage-looking Trinity desktop over a very sensible spin of Debian.

I like the Ubuntu operating system derivatives, but I felt I should learn more about running Debian, its upstream source. Q4OS is based on Debian, but it permits easier Codecs installation than mainline debian. The Windows XP look of the Trinity desktop is amusing. The 15 dollar computer runs much more swiftly on Q4OS than on its original Linux Mint Cinnamon install. Linux Mint is a fine system, but for some reason it never appeals to me. The eBay seller installed the heavy Cinnamon desktop on it instead of the light Mate one. I would have had to install something else in any event. It's much zippier now. I'll take this computer to my office, where it will serve as a backup.

This afternoon we went to a store in the Knox-Henderson area of Dallas. There my wife and an excellent saleswoman showed me the living room furniture my wife had selected. The process was far further along than I had realized, but the choices were good.We confirmed a order for the furniture, which will replace furniture over a decade old. We stopped by a Stacy's to hunt one last item we need for which the Knox-Henderson store's suggested option is not ideal.

I walked at Towne Lake Park in McKinney near dusk, and watched the people and the dusk and the floating American Coots.

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