The nice woman who schedules things and persons the front desk apologized. She accidentally double-booked. She thought it would be a few minutes. Twenty-five minutes of waiting later, I rebooked for an April date. I felt no upset about it, as another day I might have forgotten or been late for an appointment. A little turnabout seemed to me reasonably fair play. The woman behind the desk makes mistakes, but so do we all (or so I theorize).
I got some oatmeal for breakfast. Then I stopped by Springfield Park in Rowlett. I walked along the sidewalk into the little wooded area by the creek. Suddenly, a burst of White-Throated Sparrows foraged among the leaves, as if at play. I snapped a number of pictures of the birds, who were a few feet away. They look like sparrows, except they have little yellow patches on their faces [or more precisely, they have yellow lores]. I would not have seen this had my dentist office not erred.
Last night I should have done paperwork, but I watched television. I plan to remedy that omission tonight. Today I got my oil changed at lunch, and a windshield wiper fixed. I like to make a little progress sometimes on mundane tasks.