During the walk, I saw two American wigeons among the mallards on the pond. I like that little Glendover Pond sometimes attracts species other than mallards and Canada geese.
I went to Weight Watchers, where I found that I had gained two pounds. This was no surprise, as I had deviated from plan a few times this week, and had not gotten as much exercise as usual. After Weight Watchers, I had a sandwich at WhichWhich and listened to the radio as the local sports team won a contest.
I stopped by Allen Station Park and took a walk. I saw some birds, and some leaf color, and listened to Bill Nelson's album Neptune's Galaxy.
Throughout today, I gained momentum on my writing project. My word count increased to 6,517. Although my overall pace is still inadequate, 724 words a day, I begin to gain confidence that I can increase my pace. I drew up a simple cover for the book, to give my effort focus. The novel itself interests me more than it will interest a disinterested reader, but I am enjoying it nonetheless. I notice that doing "official counts" at the nanowrimo motivates me more than just relying on my word processing software. It is perhaps the same valuable monitoring as my Weight Watcher program. I hope the coming week will get much more done.