Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

robins and fix-it

When I took Beatrice for a very early morning walk, we encountered a farms' portion of rabbits. Juvenile robins hopped among the trees.

The internet news was abuzz with T-Mobile's indirect blow against net neutrality--
providing some but not all music streaming services without the stream counting against monthly data allotments. The internet appears to be growing a bit less open.

The news from Iraq and the surge by Sunni fundamentalist extremists provide a good bit of worry in the world. The whole Iraq fiasco wears on, years after this conflict began. It's sometimes a very brutal world.

Last night I watched a documentary about zebras. Tonight I gave free legal advice in Garland through the Volunteer Attorney Program.Tonight we finished by 8:10 p.m.

We are on the verge of beginning the massive fix-it work on our home. The next several weeks should be interesting.

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