I went to church at the 9:30 service. The sermon dealt with the Old Testament story of Joseph and his brothers. After church, I drove to Bethany Lakes Park. I walked around the little park ponds for a few moments. Then I came home and took Beatrice for a walk.
I attended my customary afternoon session of Weight Watcher, where I found my weight was up by .8 of a pound. I next drove to Boston Market, where I had turkey, new potatoes and steamed vegetables. Then I drove to Russell Creek Park, where I saw an eastern kingbird, two yellow-crowned night herons, barn swallows, blue jays, northern mockingbirds, scads of grackles, and a bevy of mallard ducks.
I came home, where I fell asleep. My wife and I started to watch the Tony Award broadcast, but tired of it during a "Rocky" dance sequence. We flipped to a showing of "The Incredible Mr. Limpet". I have a weakness for Don Knotts' string of 60s light comedies. We dined on home-made hamburgers.
I made a move in my on-line postal chess game. I have been a pawn up in an opposite-colored-bishops endgame for some time. Tonight's move will either break the game open in my favor or speed us to a draw. I like those moments when a move makes all the difference, even if they are almost frightening.