Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

Breadwinner and roofing

Last night my wife worked into the wee hours of the morning. When she got home, we talked about her day. Then I got out my e-reader. I read H.E. Bates' novella "Cruise of the Breadwinner". I liked its different, mildly allegorical spin on a wartime story. I finished it in one sitting, as with any novella. I fell asleep around 2.30 a.m.

Our various visits with contractors and insurance people disclosed that the recent hailstorm seriously damaged our roof. That is not good, though I am glad we figured it out. We will get that handled with everything else. That was a grim night, when some bunnies we were hoping would be spared died in our garden vase in the storm. I saw another home in our neighborhood with workers re-roofing.

Yesterday I saw my first eastern kingbird of the Texas Spring. Today I saw my first Spring western kingbird in Texas (I had seen some in California earlier). I love those little harbingers of warm weather. In a few weeks, painted buntings and indigo buntings will arrive.

We watched a great documentary on television about the Australian interior. I've always wanted to visit there. I will for now have to content myself with the Texas interior. In other news of other places, I still enjoy listening to Radio NZ. I like to listen in the morning, when the broadcast is from the wee hours of the next morning.

I read about trail rides after watching some of the John Wayne movie "Red River". I will find another good novel for my e-reader. I am looking forward to work on Friday.

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