Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

warmer coyotes

Warm weather returned today. On my way to work, the weather turned sunny if chilly. I stopped in a park parking lot and took pictures of cedar waxwings and a robin. As I sat in my car, a coyote crossed the road about 40 meters away. The coyote, a handsome youngster, soon vanished
into the scrub-trees.

By day's end, the temperature broke 18 degrees C., closer to our usual February average than to the frigid temperatures of late. I walked in Breckinridge Park, and saw a downy woodpecker,
numerous eastern bluebirds, Carolina chickadees, a tufted titmouse, a morning dove, and a red-bellied woodpecker.

two bluebirds 2 13 14

Tonight I went to the Garland Bar Association. Two insightful judges spoke about the new Estates Code and about the oddities of e-filing. E-filing is a good thing, but its construction in our local area reminds me of a duckbill platypus or any other thing seemingly assembled by committee. I had a pretty good phone chat with my brother as a I drove home.

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