Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

soap and real soap

Last night I worked until 8:20 p.m. When I was younger, I worked long hours habitually. A return to modestly long hours last night failed to worry me much. I did get to take a nice lunch break on the last warm day until Saturday.

We watched the television show "Nashville" last night. I did not like the episode very well. The show has reached the point of all television soaps in which, given the choice between nuance and melodrama, it chooses the latter. I hope that the show improves, but I sense that Fonzie may jump the shark again and again, without the necessary comic tone.

As promised by our loyal weatherpeople, a major cold front moved in last night. We could hear the wind howl in the wee hours. I do enjoy a bit of Winter, though I feel just about at quota. Curiously, the precipitation will all hit to our southwest, that part of north Texas just a fair bit north of the northern edges of the hill country.I cannot complain at all, particularly as warm weather is for me around the corner.

This week's news has been the former governor of Virginia who allegedly accepted loans and gifts from those hoping to curry favor in government. One news source discussed the Governor and his wife receiving a shopping spree, a vacation on Smith Mountain Lake, real estate loans, and catering for a wedding. I do not know if the allegations of wrongdoing are true, though I do understand that the Governor has repaid the donor a substantial sum of money. The governor's defense, along the lines of "it did not work to buy my influence", is not, to me, the most compelling one, but time will tell. I have read of variants of it ("I'm still unreliable for favors even if you pay me") being used before. I cannot imagine getting a chance to govern a state and losing one's way over inaugural attire and vacation retreats. But people do lose their way.

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