Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

handbells, chickadees and 8-8

The cold was bitter but the rain ended. I went to the 9:30 service at First United Methodist in Allen, A handbell choir of small children played a kind of simple, jangly tune. We sang the Christmas hymns "Angels from the Realms of Glory" and "What Child is This?". The preacher preached about the meaning of Christmas.

After church I went to Oak Point Park, where I saw an eastern meadowlark in a bare tree. Then I drove to Brockdale Park at Lake Lavon. In the bare trees beside the road, I saw Carolina chickadees, yellow-rumped warblers, American crows, and a tufted titmouse. On the drive home, I saw more crows and a northern mockingbird. The birds were active but the cold was bitter.

I went to Weight Watchers, where I had gained a pound. I am now 17 pounds down since the end of May, which is 5 pounds more than my self-set goal of 12 for 2013. Unless I go haywire, I will meet my goal. I will set a goal in 2014 of 12 more pounds lost. When I achieve that goal, I will consider if I will seek to lose more, or just stand pat.

I got a sandwich at Subway Sandwiches. I listened to the radio while the local sports team narrowly won a game over their traditional rival. The local sports team is now 8-7, and the only issue is whether it will finish 9-7 and go to the playoffs, or 8-8 and miss the playoffs. Had one asked almost anyone in September what they expected, they would have predicted this season with accuracy. Yet the talking heads on sports radio all talk as if this were something new.

I "wrapped" the gifts I got for my brother and his wife and son, making liberal use of crepe paper and gift bags. I took them over to my brother, and enjoyed talking to him and his wife.

Now I am finishing the movie "The Homecoming", and feeling very Christmassy

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