Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

arctic chill!

A long evening at the Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program Garland clinic tonight. I arrived at 6:55 p.m I left at 10 p.m. During my time there, the outside temperature dropped from 72 degrees Fahrenheit (22.2 degrees C) to 48 degrees F. (8.88 C.). The arctic front has arrived!
When I walked at lunch,it was like May weather, but it is like December weather now. I took pictures at lunch of grackles and a male kestrel.

Before Weight Watchers, I went to Boston Market. By coincidence, our firm assistants (a mother and son, as it happens), had just gotten their meal there. It was good to see them, though I had just seen them 90 minute before.

I am playing with a refurbished tablet I got via a sale site. I may try to install Debian on it, but right now I am installing FOSS android apps. The next several days will be wintry.

Tomorrow my afternoon doctor appointment means no food until after 3 p.m. or so. It will be a quick fast.

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