Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

california lesser goldfinch

rufous-crowned sparrow from kaweah oaks preserve november 19 2013

lesser goldfinch, kaweak oaks preserve november 19 2013

lesser goldfinch, kaweak oaks preserve, near Farmersville, CA, november 19 2013

Sunday night I flew to San Francisco, leaving warm weather for chilly weather. I rode the BART train to SFO Monday morning for a day of meetings. Sunday night I flew to Fresno, and then drove to Visalia. I had passed through Visalia before,because it is on the way to Sequoia National Park.

My business meeting in Visalia ended early,and I could not move my flight. So I drove to Kaweah Oak Preserve in Farmersville, near Visalia. This park featured huge riparian oak groves and open grasslands. Crows and a huge hawk flew overhead, and scrub jays were in the woodlands. I loved seeing little birds, mostly lesser goldfinches, flying amid the scrub and landing on the little straw-like plants. On the drive back to Fresno, tourist signs for a cheese factory begged me to stop, but I drove on.

I worked on the plane home. I love it when I have a good assignment and a good laptop and a space of quiet time to combine the two.

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