Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

phoebe, goliath, 3

eastern phoebe oak point park november 3, 2013

I enjoyed the time change today, with its attendant hour of extra sleep. I went to church today at Living Life UMC in McKinney, where the sermon drew its text from the story of David and Goliath and the story of David's disgrace.

After church, I drove to Towne Lake Park. The large trees right by the lake on the south side of the lake had lots of tufted titmice, Carolina chickadees, woodpeckers, and an eastern phoebe. I took a lot of pictures of the phoebe, of which a few look good. The other birds proved too elusive to photograph.

I drove to Weight Watchers, where I learned that I had lost another three pounds, to bring my total in five months up to 16.2 pounds. I want to continue to improve. After Weight Watchers, I had lunch at Boston Market. I was eating when the Dallas Cowboys won their game in its closing minutes. I saw the play-by-play on an app on my cell phone.

After lunch, I drove to Oak Point Park and took pictures of a kestrel. Then I drove home to
call my father. I enjoyed speaking with him very much. I also got a chance to talk with my sister.

I took Beatrice for a walk at 5:30 p.m. The temperature was ~16 degrees C. She walked briskly because the breeze was brisk like a heavy incoming storm. I believe, though,that the storm is to arrive in a few days.

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