Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

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Reading is Inescapable

Today I went to the Salvadoran restaurant near our office and had the plato tipico--a pupusa, a chicken tamal, plaintains and yucca. As I checked out, the service fellow asked me if the newspaper told me anything interesting. I told him that it told me that Garland's library was having its annual book sale this weekend. The fellow, well into his twenties, told me he had just discovered the joys of reading books in the last six weeks. I told him to check out the sale, where books might go for as little as a dollar. He seemed particularly impressed by the notion that books could cost so little. I must go to Waxahachie this weekend for some function or other, so I do not believe I will get to partake of the book sale. But that fellow got me thinking of just how important books are to me, and have been since I understood what books were. Maybe heaven is a giant bookshelf, and endless time to read. Oh, with fried plaintains and pupusas handy, not to mention some lamb vindaloo.

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