Robert (gurdonark) wrote,


I woke up at 6:00 a.m.after falling asleep very early last night. I finished "Wreck-It Ralph" on my pengpod. I liked the movie very well. I took Beatrice for a morning walk. She enjoyed seeing the bunnies, whom she hoped, in vain, to chase.

Tonight my wife had a club meeting. I stopped by Kroger's and bought pork loin, red potatoes, a crookneck squash, and carrots. I micro-waved the pork a bit and then put it all in the crockpot. I spoke with my father on the phone while it cooked. I watched part of "Shelter Me", a good film about animal adoption on After 2 and 1/2 hours, I dined on my meal. It was very good.

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