I had lunch at Dickey's BBQ, eating turkey without BBQ sauce. In the afternoon, I drove to Bluebonnet Trail in Plano. This trail is a sidewalk under high tension wires. I saw Mexican hat flowers, lots of grackles, mockingbirds and western kingbirds. Here is a picture of a western kingbird I took at nearby Clark High School:
I stopped by Goodwill to look at used computer cases for a friend, but the prices on the used cases were not bargain. I looked in Big Lots at new cases, which were about the cost of the used ones at Goodwill, but none was just right. I thought how lucky I was when I found my own computer case for 3 dollars at Goodwill.
I came home and rented a movie from Google, but the server seemed slow. So I watched the Linux Action Show on Youtube instead. It was nice to lie in bed and sometimes watch the video, and other times just close my eyes and listen to the audio. The show was about the hosts' switch to Arch Linux, the less pampered, power use way to do Linux, very DIY. I use very non-DIY Linux interfaces.
When my wife came home, we went to grab dinner and a movie. We dined at Mama Pita in Plano, and then went to see Sarah Polley's documentary "The Stories We Tell". This was one of the best movies we have seen in years. It is a family story about a Toronto family, as told by all the disparate voices who lived the story. I will not offer any "spoilers", because the beauty of the story is the way the details come out. I will say that the story resonated for both my wife and I, though our own family stories were very different stories. I highly recommend this movie as a "must see", about family and memory and the inherent fiction of documentary narrative.
With astonishing speed, the graduation gift I got for my young friend arrived today. I bought it on-line a few days ago. My wife and I examined it and were impressed by the value for the dollar in the gift item.
Today is the anniversary of a different family story. On June 8, 2004, my 16 year-old nephew suddenly passed away, an unexpected tragic passing caused by a heart defect. I will never forget that day or that young man.