Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

windy and warm

I wanted to attend a 9.30 a.m. service on Sunday. I was running a bit late for the service at First UMC, to which I belong, a 20 minute drive away. I went instead to Suncreek UMC, five minutes away. This was their confirmation Sunday. They swiftly moved us through the sermon to the confirmation exercise. Twenty something tweens were being confirmed. Some were being baptized. I thought how it differed a bit from my own confirmation Sunday, some forty plus years ago, because then the number of unbaptized folks, while not zero, was lower.

I took a walk in Glendover Park. Later, I took Beatrice for a walk. The day was very warm, with high winds. During the second walk I took pictures of a western kingbird.

I rented the movie "Save the Date" from Google Movies to watch on my pengpod tablet. I liked it pretty well,though it featured those two indie movie cliches', main characters in a rock band and a main character who had an art opening. All it lacked was a speed dating scene to have the low-budget hipster trifecta.

We dined on tilapia last night. I fell asleep early. I am ready for another week of work. I need not travel this week for work.

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